Hey Guys!
I actually meant to have this post up earlier this week but there was the camera fiasco (the quality of pictures from my DSLR was consistently going downhill and I’d had enough). I now have a new one thankfully so I hope to have more posts up here soon. Today I’m checking into chat about my Rheem Econet as part of the informative series Rheem and I are bringing you.
I have to be honest, it took me an embarrassingly long time to get mine set up. I was so excited to have hot water in the house that I wasn’t concerned with getting the WiFi portion set up. I did finally take a break from hot showers earlier in the month to get it set up though and it’s actually pretty cool!
The set up was simpler than I had anticipated, but I’ll share some screenshots to give you an idea of what I did in case you’re considering getting one for yourself.
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So all of that was pretty quick and painless. I was happy to see I didn’t have to divulge too much information while still having control over how I’m contacted in the event of a problem. When my unit was first installed, it was automatically set to Energy Saver. Which is fine by me. It’s the setting I would have chosen but it’s not hard to change between Energy Saver and Performance.
This whole journey was for us to be more eco friendly and to save on our utilities, but if you’re in need of pumping out top notch hot water heater activity the Performance mode should do that. For reference, I figured I’d share what my screen looks like when I go into my unit. I keep my unit at 125 degrees Fahrenheit but now that I have “the power” I’m going to bump that up before my shower because I like to scorch myself 😉
The obvious control you have with this is on demand temperature changes and changing from Energy Saver to Performance mode. But you can also schedule a vacation so the unit works less while you’re away for an extended period of time and you can view your alerts.
I hope you’ve found this all interesting. I love to share what goes on with making our home more comfortable for us and this is more than I ever imagined when we started these renovations. (PS- haven’t forgotten about the bathroom, I’ll be back to chatting about that soon)
Good post. Thanks for the information. I had no idea this could be done.
Thanks bonbon! The more you know 🙂
Very cool! We recently installed a tankless water heater and love it. Would it work with that?
The econet is specific to the Rheem line. Do you remember if the packaging said anything about wifi? There are SO many models out now that either come with the ability to connect to a specific app on the phone or they have a separate unit you buy that attaches to make it wifi capable. Either way- nice job going tankless!
This is COOL! I need to get on this asap. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing this information! Have a great day!
This is so awesome! I was not aware of this, my husband will be all about this.