A Designer At Home

Designing Beautiful Spaces. Inspiring Authentic Living. Spreading Good Vibes.

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    • CorinnaAshley says

      I’m semi-jealous you have paneling! I would watch people groan about paneling all the time on HGTV shows growing up and have secretly wanted my own so I could play with them and prove they weren’t bad. So you’ll have to be honest, are they really that bad?

  1. cassie says

    i painted over a polka dot border i did in emmy’s nursery, as well as stripes in this house. both times i used an orbital sander and sanded the edges and then primed and painted. 🙂
    buh bye hexagons! was nice knowing you! onward and upward!

  2. Havalah says

    Those hexagons were pretty great, but I can totally see how hard it would be to decorate around them. I’ll have to keep this post in mind if I ever decide to do any stencil or paint tape designs.

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