Hello and welcome! Today is the 100th #ThriftScoreThursday. I am pretty stoked because this hashtag party fosters such a fun community of epic thrifters, watchers and everyone in between. I love that!
I went through to the beginning of the more than 7,000 entries to pick out the top 10 favorites of mine in 20 categories. Have you ever had to narrow 7,000 of something awesome to just 20?! Oh man was this the hardest thing I’ve ever judged. I wish I had a prize for every single one of you. But since I thrift for both aesthetic and financial reasons, I had to settle for teaming up with the other fab hosts to give away $100 paypal cash. Be sure to keep an eye on Instagram today because we’ll be announcing all the details there. Instagram: @adesignerathome
The Top Thrift Scores of #ThriftScoreThursday
Best In Sofa Scores:
Best In End Table Scores:
Best In Dresser Scores:
Best In Lounge Chairs:
Best In Ornate Chairs:
Best In Chair Pair Scores:
Best In China Cabinet Scores:
Best In Dining Chairs:
Best In Bar Scores:
Best In Foot Stool Scores:
Best In Table Scores:
Best In Kitchen Scores:
Best In Dining Scores:
Best In Little Scores:
Best In Art Scores:
Best In Brass Scores:
Best In Wall Hanging Scores:
Best In Light Fixture Scores:
Best In Rug Scores:
Best In Loot Scores:
Be sure to visit and give all the heart eyed emoji’s to these guys. Hard work thrifting pays off! Before I leave you to visit the other hosts, I wanted to drop in the piece that went with the plant stand I unveiled Tuesday–
Want to play along? Here’s The Rules!
- We want you to participate! Hit up your local thrift stores, craigslist, yard sales, estate sales, side of the road, anything! Thrifty doesn’t necessarily mean from a thrift store. We want to see your good deals, wacky finds and treasures.
- Don’t feel like you need to save those finds for Thursdays! Yes, features are shared on our blogs and Instagram on Thursdays, but we’re all checking in on (and using!) the hashtag all week long. So, when you see/find it, feel free to share it!
- Each week, Trisha from Black and White Obsession, Cassie from Primitive and Proper, Brynne from The Gathered Home, and Myself (A Designer At Home) will pick a favorite thrift score or two to feature! So please note that by linking up with #thriftscorethursday, you are giving us permission to share your finds via social media or on our blogs.
- Please remember that we can only share love for photos shared on public accounts. If your profile is private, we can’t see your finds.
i LOVE how you broke it down! so many awesome finds over the last 100 weeks!!!
I’m SO EXCITED to have the “best loot” score! I’m sad I sold that rattan piece. You can be sure, if I ever find another one, that it’s not going anywhere!
Great round up!
Sooo many amazing finds! I love playing along with this hashtag challenge – it’s one of my favorites! Thanks for including me here…huge honor!
Woohoooo Corinna!! Love this so much. Thank you for featuring me babe. There have been so many EPIC scores and to be in the top 20 is such an honor. I love Thriftscorethursday!!
Thanks for including the chairs! Such a terrific bunch of scores – honored to be included! “I’d like to thank The Academy…” 😉
Haha! Thank YOU for tagging and partying with us!
I love me some #ThriftScoreThursday! Way to go Ladies!
Happy 100th post! Although you’ve left me with some SERIOUS thrift score envy that can only be remedied by an afternoon of shopping…
I can’t believe it’s been 100 posts already and I adore Shavonda’s chair.
Oh my gosh, you’re so creative! I LOVE your idea to break it down into 20 categories! There are so many incredible scores here! I’m so glad to have spent so many weeks alongside you hosting TST – it would not be the same without you sweet friend! 🙂