Hey Guys!
You may or may not know this based on how you’ve come to discover my blog here (because I once owned and blogged at ForMyLoveOf.net but over the summer I rebranded and started this new blog), but I cohost #ThriftScoreThursday with some fabulous ladies (Brynne from The Gathered Home, Cassie from Primitive and Proper and Trisha from Black and White Obsession). Today is Thursday and that means I’m going to be chatting with you about one of my recent thrifted scores as well as featuring thrift scores from the #ThriftScoreThursday hashtagged feed on Instagram. I’ll have all the nitty gritty details at the end of the post if you’re new to the series.
Let me share with you what I scored weekend before last:
I scoured the basket section of my local DAV and went crazy! I was looking for a few last minute pieces for the package I’ve sent off to my recipient in this year’s #SwapItLikeItsHot (look for that the first week of October!) and found a couple amazing pieces for her but had to be selfish and keep this basket for myself. It suits my style so well and look how beautiful my peace lilly plant is in it! They’re a match made in heaven.
I can only assume that a fabulous basket hoarder recently died in the area because I’ve never seen so many amazing baskets in my entire life. I don’t even want to know what my husband was thinking when he rounded the corner and saw me acting like a mad women with the shelves. It was pretty terrible.
I have been loving the look of plants in baskets lately. Previously IÂ shared the beautiful woven cane planter that I put my fiddle leaf in. And I also have a mass cane in a fabric woven basket (it was from target, it’s a discontinued Nate Berkus basket).
What do you think? Did I score with this one? It may help to disclose the price, it was $2. I’m a happy plant and basket loving gal.
And now to spread some love for fellow thrifters and their amazing thrift scores, here are my featured picks from the feed:
View all of the #ThriftScoreThursday tagged posts here on Instagram and follow me @adesignerathome.
That’s all I have for you today, but that’s not all! Check out my co-hosts’ finds and features by clicking on the images below. Have a wonderful day and thanks for being here!
Want To Join In? Here’s The Rules!
- We want you to participate! Hit up your local thrift stores, craigslist, yard sales, estate sales, side of the road, anything! Thrifty doesn’t necessarily mean from a thrift store. We want to see your good deals, wacky finds and treasures.
- Don’t feel like you need to save those finds for Thursdays! Yes, features are shared on our blogs and Instagram on Thursdays, but we’re all checking in on (and using!) the hashtag all week long. So, when you see/find it, feel free to share it!
- Each week, Trisha from Black and White Obsession, Cassie from Primitive and Proper, Brynne from The Gathered Home, Myself (A Designer At Home) and occassionally a guest co-host will pick a favorite thrift score or two to feature! So please note that by linking up with #thriftscorethursday, you are giving us permission to share your finds via social media or on our blogs.
- Please remember that we can only share love for photos shared on public accounts. If your profile is private, we can’t see your finds.
cassie @ primitive & proper says
i featured 2 out of 3 of your finds! 🙂 that wall hanging is DREAMY. and i love your planter!
corinna.ah@gmail.com says
Great minds think alike! And thanks Cassie!
Julia@Cuckoo4Design says
That weaving is breathtaking!
corinna.ah@gmail.com says
Absolutely! My jaw dropped when I noticed how big it was.
Brynne@TheGatheredHome says
You need to teach me your basket ways! I’m sure my home could use the boost of texture, but I never seem to be able to see the potential in my thrift stores’ basket shelves…
Also, I love the way you’ve formatted the features with the original captions – so great!
Jennifer @ Dimples and Tangles says
Love the texture of your new planter, and what a great size! Seems like similar ones I usually see are always too small. Thanks so much for inviting me to be a part of #TST today, Corinna, it was lots of fun!
Trisha D. @Black and White Obsession says
What a lucky day to have such a large selection of baskets. You definitely have me team basket + plants. One of these day’s I’ll get around to snazzing up my planter collection.