A Designer At Home

Designing Beautiful Spaces. Inspiring Authentic Living. Spreading Good Vibes.

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  1. Ariel says

    Good for you!
    I made that choice under similar circumstances and have aligned it with our posting (PCSing).
    Blogging certainly isn’t paying the bills – yet- but I feel we owe it to ourselves to try!
    Good luck sista!

  2. Brittany says

    I hope the next stop on your journey brings you more fulfillment, Corinna. I also work at a job that is not my passion, and it can be a tough way to spend your days when you know (or at least feel) you could be doing something else. As a mom I can only imagine it is many, many times harder. Glad that you shared this. <3

  3. Brynne@TheGatheredHome says

    You have all my good thoughts and prayers for this next step you’re taking, Corinna! I’ve been contemplating writing a similar post to this for some time – I think people tend to assume I quit my job because blogging was taking off, but in reality I feel I need to confess it was due to crippling anxiety and I’m still searching for exactly what it is I’m supposed to be doing with my life! I can’t wait to see what is next for you, sweet friend!

  4. Arielle | Scotch and Nonsense says

    Thank you for sharing this Corinna! I think it’s so, so easy to get complacent and sometimes you have to take a step back and reevaluate. I’m sure it’s scary at the moment but I can’t wait to see what you do next!

  5. julie spear says

    Thanks for sharing this Corinna…. it is always great to get to know more about the person behind the creative posts you’re sharing. I understand fully your feelings with regard to working in an anxiety-producing job atmophere, and it is awful. NEVER, will I unnderstand the need for others to make people feel small and to undermine their value, especially when these folks are in managerial positions. It is SUCH a poor way to manage employees, (my boss at my ‘day job’ has a similar managerial style) and does nothing to foster the loyalty and productivity necessary to be a good employee. Then when you add in an overall feeling of knowing you are not working at your true calling, it really leads to frustration and dissatisfaction. Not to mention how HARD it is to leave your child behind each day to go there!!!!! Unfortunately, i am a 50 year old single bread-winner for my household, which makes a huge career switxh teickier. but you…YOU are young! And I am here to tell you that you absoolutely made the right choice! Follow your dreams! Seriously, that is not just a catch phrase.Follow them. And it may not happen that you arrive at your dream career tomorrow, but you can get there! It may take working at something that is not exactly your dream career, (maybe a few somethings)but even those will be so much more fulfilling when you know that they are steps leading to the ultimate fulfillment!! this is exactly what I always coach my 3 grown sons to try to do, and I believe these words with all my heart!!! GOOD LUCK to you, and it will be awesome to watch your journey, so be sure to write more posts like this, so we can follow along, ok?

  6. mary says

    Thank you for sharing your story! I also have become unhappy and unfulfilled at my job, but the money is good. Since I started blogging and making a little extra, I can save up to one day be able to quit and find something that makes me happy. I believe God has a plan for all of our lives and will take care of us if we are faithful and patient. Good luck on your new chapter of life!